Our Vision

Our movement’s vision is of a world where care is at the center. We see a world where all of us have the healthcare and home care we need, where and when we need it. And where we show we value care work by praising it and by providing care workers with family sustaining wages and benefits. 

Our Agenda


Healthcare and long-term care for All

Pass the New York Health Act, our nation’s most comprehensive, inclusive, and feminist single-payer bill, and include long-term care from Day One


Fair Pay for Home Care

We need to combat our state’s worst-in-nation home care worker shortage to keep older adults and New Yorkers with disabilities safe — and the way to do it is by passing The “Fair Pay for Home Care Act,” which would raise home care wages to 150% of minimum wage, and make sure the money gets to workers and home care providers..

To help us achieve this vision, join the campaign and take action today.